Monday, January 16, 2012

Over Break...

I'm sorry I haven't blogged in a few weeks, but I went home to my little town where barely anybody has wifi. That's not mentioning that my motherboard crashed half way through break. Thankfully it was under warranty!

Gee...where do I begin? I guess the ride home wouldn't be half bad. One of my best friends actually drove an hour out of his way to come pick me up to take me home. I hadn't seen him since Thanksgiving break and he still hadn't cut his hair. He looked like Tarzan! Or a hippie. Or just some bum with that refused to even run his fingers through his hair to get out some knots. Oh, anyways, moving on. It was great to get to see him and get lost driving home. We jogged through a couple highways to find food out in the middle of a cornfield and then drove back roads the last hour and a half home. That's always one of my favorite parts about riding with him.

So, I made it home safely and with a guest. My friend's guinea pig decided he didn't want to go to India, so he came to stay with me for a few weeks. I call him cow. His mother doesn't like this. In my defense though, he looks like a cow and his mother is Hindu so I tried telling her that calling her pet a cow was a compliment. She still didn't like this.

Honestly, that was probably one of the most exciting things that happened over break. I know, that sounds terrible, but hey, I live in a town called Farmland. You can't expect too much. I did work with some race horses over break though. Oh, and being in charge of the barn is kind of a big deal too. But what can I say? When you're just awesome, everyone knows it and acknowledges it. Also, my boss was even more amazing and donated to the polo club 70 lbs of cool casts (medicated icy hot kind of wraps for horses' legs), 5 lbs of hoof pack (medicated dough that goes into the horse's hoof), and two big bottles of liniment (a kind of liquid that helps with sore muscles).

I realize that's probably kind of boring so you may find one of my projects a little bit more exciting. I spent almost an entire week making a gingerbread village of the north pole. Everything in my village was edible too! I lied. I had to use toothpicks for the core of the actual north pole, but everything else was edible! (Except the cardboard I set it on.)

 So really, I did nothing over break. But! Now that I'm back, you'll be hearing a lot more from me (with a lot more interesting stuff). Polo matches are coming as well as polo exec stuff that you should keep up on as well as how me and my boyfriend are coming along. :) Yes, none of you knew that. Me and my boyfriend, Fahad. We're getting kind of serious. So! Keep following and thanks for reading (or at least looking at the pretty pictures).